Assam Police Seize Drugs Worth Rs 9 Crore, Arrest One Peddler

Assam Police Seize Drugs Worth Rs 9 Crore, Arrest One Peddler

In a major crackdown on the drug trade in Assam, the state police seized highly addictive methamphetamine tablets valued at Rs 9 crore and arrested a drug peddler from the Cachar district. The seizure is a significant blow to the drug trafficking network operating in the region.

The police team made the drug bust in the Katakhal area of Cachar district. The estimated market value of the illegal consignment is Rs 9 crore. The arrested drug peddler is currently in police custody for further investigation.

Assam’s Fight Against Drug Menace 

The drug seizure in Cachar is part of Assam’s ongoing efforts to combat the drug menace in the state. The Assam Police has been conducting regular operations to disrupt drug supply chains and arrest peddlers.

In recent months, the state has witnessed several major drug busts. In June, the police seized heroin worth Rs 10 crore and arrested two peddlers in Karbi Anglong district. In May, the Assam Police seized drugs worth Rs 15 crore and arrested four peddlers in Nagaon district.

The latest seizure in Cachar is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the Assam Police in tackling the drug problem. The arrest of the peddler is expected to provide valuable information about the drug network and lead to further arrests.

Impact of Drug Trade on Society

The drug trade has a devastating impact on society, particularly on the youth. Methamphetamine, also known as “meta,” is a highly addictive stimulant that can cause severe physical and psychological damage.

Meth addiction can lead to a range of health problems, including heart problems, psychosis, and even death. It can also have a ripple effect on families and communities, as addicts often turn to crime to support their habit.

The drug trade also fuels other criminal activities, such as money laundering and human trafficking. It is a global problem that requires a coordinated effort from law enforcement agencies, governments, and civil society to combat.

Assam’s Efforts to Curb Drug Menace

The Assam government has taken several measures to curb the drug menace in the state. In 2021, the state launched the “War on Drugs” campaign, which aims to make Assam a drug-free state by 2025.

As part of the campaign, the state government has set up a special task force to coordinate drug enforcement efforts across different agencies. The task force has conducted several operations and seized drugs worth hundreds of crores of rupees.

The state government has also launched awareness campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of drug abuse. It has also provided rehabilitation services to help addicts overcome their addictions and reintegrate into society.


The drug seizure in Cahcar is a significant victory for the Assam Police in their fight against the drug menace. It sends a strong message to drug peddlers that the state will not tolerate drug trafficking and will take strong action against those involved in the trade.

However, the fight against drugs is far from over. The drug trade is a complex and multifaceted problem, that requires a sustained and coordinated effort from all stakeholders. The state government must continue to invest in drug enforcement, awareness campaigns, and rehabilitation services to curb the drug menace.

The success of the”War on Drugs” campaign will depend on the commitment and cooperation of all stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, the judiciary, and civil society. By working together, we can creat a safer and healthier society for all.

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