Bharat Bandh tommorrow 21 August

Bharat Bandh tommorrow 21 August

A nationwide Bharat Bandh has been called for August 21, 2024, primarily in response to a recent Supreme Court ruling that allows for the sub-classification of Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) within reservation categories. This ruling has sparked significant unrest among various marginalized communities, particularly among Dalit and tribal groups, who view the decision as an attack on their rights and protections.

Background of the Bharat Bandh

The Supreme Court’s ruling on August 1, 2024, permits states to create sub-categories within SC and ST reservations, effectively introducing a “creamy layer” concept into these classifications. This decision has been met with widespread condemnation from Bahujan organizations, who argue that it undermines the very purpose of affirmative action policies designed to uplift historically disadvantaged groups. The ruling is seen as a potential threat to the unity and solidarity of these communities, as it could lead to further division and competition for limited resources and opportunities.

Prominent leaders and organizations, including the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and various Dalit rights activists, have rallied behind the bandh call. BSP Chief Mayawati has publicly opposed the ruling, calling for an amendment to the Constitution to protect the integrity of SC and ST classifications, arguing that any sub-classification would dilute the protections afforded to these communities.

Key Organizers and Support

The Bharat Bandh is being organized by a coalition of Bahujan organizations, including the Bhim Sena and the SC-ST Samyukta Sangharsh Samiti. These groups are mobilizing support through social media campaigns, with hashtags like #21_August_Bharat and #SaveReservation trending across platforms. Activists are encouraging widespread participation to ensure that the bandh effectively communicates the discontent felt by marginalized communities.

In Rajasthan, police have been instructed to coordinate with local SC/ST organizations to ensure that protection remains peaceful. The state has been significant support for the bandh, with local leaders emphasizing the importance of maintaining law and order while allowing citizens to express their dissent.

Anticipated Impact and Participation

The Bharat Bandh is expected to disrupt normal activities across the country, with major cities and towns likely to see protests and demonstrations. While the bandh is intended to be a peaceful expression of dissent, organizers have called for a complete shutdown of non-essential services, urging schools, businesses, and transportation services to participate. Emergency services, including medical and fire services, will remain operational to ensure public safety.

In addition to protests, participants will be submitting memoranda to local authorities, demanding a reconsideration of the Supreme Court’s ruling. The goal is to raise awareness about the potential negative impacts of the ruling and to unify the Bahujan community in a collective stand against perceived injustices.

Broader Political Context

The Bharat Bandh occurred within a larger political context where national parties have largely remained silent on the Supreme Court’s ruling. However, Ambedkarite parties have been vocal in their opposition, criticizing the judiciary for its lack of representation from marginalized communities. Leaders like Prakash Ambedkar have called for greater accountability from political parties that claim to support Dalit rights, urging them to take a more active stance against the ruling.

The political implications of the bandh are significant, as it represents a resurgence of activism among Dalit and tribal communities. The BSP’s involvement, in particular, signals a strategic move to re-engage with its base and assert its relevance in contemporary politics. By framing the issue of reservations as a matter of social justice rather than merely a political tool, the BSP aims to galvanize support and strengthen its organizational presence.


The Bharat Bandh on August 21 is poised to be a significant event in the ongoing struggle for the rights and protections of SC and ST communities in India. The Supreme Court’s ruling has ignited a passionate response from various organizations and activists, who are determined to challenge what they perceive as an unjust decision. As the bandh approaches, the focus will be on maintaining peace while effectively communicating the demands and grievances of marginalized communities.

This moment serves as a critical juncture for the Bahujan movement, highlighting the need for solidarity and collective action in the face of systemic challenges. The outcome of the Bharat Bandh could have lasting implications for the future of reservation policies and the broader fight for social justice in India.



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