Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the New campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar

Nalanda University: Prime Minister Inaugurates New Nalanda University Campus, Reviving an Ancient Center of Learning

On June 19, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the New campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar, marking a significant milestone in reviving this historic institution.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the New campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar

The original Naland University, established around 1600 years ago, was once considered one of the world’s first residential universities and a renowned center of learning, attracting students from across Asia and Beyond. For centuries, it flourished as a hub of intellectual and spiritual discourse, until invaders tragically destroyed it in the 12th century.

The establishment of the modern Nalanda University was initiated through the Nalanda University Act of 2010, following a decision made at the second East Asia Summit in the Phillippines in 2007. The new campus, a collaborative effort between India and the East Asia Summit (EAS) countries, is designed to recapture the spirit and legacy of the ancient institution.

A State-of-the-Art Campus

The new Nalanda University campus boasts impressive facilities, including two academic blocks with 40 classrooms, accommodating around 1,900 students, and two auditoriums with a capacity of 300 seats each. It also features a student hostel for approximately 550 students, an international clean arena-eater that can accommodate up to 2,000 individuals, a faculty club, and a sports complex, among other amenities.

Notably, the campus is designed as a ‘Net Zero’ Green Campus, equipped with solar plants, water treatment, and recycling facilities, 100 acres of water bodies, and numerous other eco-friendly features, making it a model of sustainable development.

Reviving the Spirit of Ancient Nalanda

In his address at the inauguration ceremony, Prime Minister Modi emphasized the significance of Nalanda, stating that it is “not just a name, it is an identify, a regard.” He underlined the importance of reviving this ancient center of learning, which he believes will initiate a “golden age of India” and introduce the country’s capabilities to the world.

The Prime Minister also acknowledged the contributions of the participating EAS countries noting that Nalanda’s heritage is not just Indian but also belongs to Asia and the World. He expressed his delight at the presence of representatives from  17 countries, including Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and China, who have signed MoUs to support the university.

A Beacon of Intellectual Discourse

The new Nalanda University is envisioned as a hub of intellectual, philosophical, historical, and spiritual studies, much like its ancient predecessor. It comprises six schools: the School of Buddhist Studies, Philosophy & Comparative Religions; the School of Historical Studies; the School of Ecology and Environmental Studies; and the School of Sustainable Development and Management.

The University aims to revive the legacy of the ancient Nalanda University and continue its tradition of academic excellence. It offers postgraduate and doctoral research courses, as well as short-term certificate programs, and has already enrolled students from a diverse range of countries, including Argentina, Ghana, Indonesia, and the United States.

Nurturing the Next Generation of Leaders

Prime Minister Modi emphasized the importance of the next 25 years of “Amrit Kaal” (the golden period) and called upon the students and scholars of Nalanda to carry forward the “Nalanda way” and its values. He urged them to “Be Curies, Be Courageous and Above All, Be Kind,” in line with the university’s logo, and to work towards positive change in society.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the New campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar

The Prime Minister expressed his confidence that the youth of Nalanda will provide leadership to the entire world in the times to come and that the university will become an important center for global causes.

A Renewed Commitment to Education

The inauguration of the new Nalanda University campus is a testament to the Indian government’s renewed commitment to education and the revival of the country’s rich academic heritage. Prime Minister Modu highlighted the government’s effort to create the most comprehensive and advanced research-oriented higher education system in the world, with Nalanda University playing a crucial role in this endeavor.

The Prime Minister’s presence and the participation of representatives from 17 countries at the inauguration ceremony underscores the global significance of this institution and its potential to become a hub of international collaboration and cultural exchange.

As the new Nalanda University embarks on its journey, it carries the weight of history and the hopes of a nation that seeks to reclaim its rightful place as a global leader in education and knowledge. The revival of this ancient center of learning is not just a symbolic beacon of intellectual and spiritual enlightenment.

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