A Durga Puja Pandal at Abhoynagar area in Agartala city was gutted in a sudden fire this afternoon along with the idols of Devi Durga and other deities inside the pandal. While the reasons are not yet certain the organisers say they are looking into the possibilities.

4 days ago – A Durga Puja pandal at Abhoynagar area in Agartala city was gutted in a sudden fire this afternoon along with the idols Devi Durga. Even before the arrival of Maa Durga, it disappeared in the mother along with the fire pandal got burnt drop by drop. 

From this it seems that something is going to happen in Tripura, it seems like a warning. Otherwise maybe this would not have happened, or if someone had done this thing after knowing, then mother would not leave him either. That’s what the people there said. But it’s original reason is not yet known.

This pandal was worth about 25 lakhs, and along with the pandal, the idol of the mother was also burnt little by little.

  Everyone please pray that everything is okey.

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