Renowned Bollywood Playback Singer Alka Yagnik Diagnosed with Rare Hearing Loss Condition

Alka Yagnik is opening up about her diagnosis with a rare hearing loss.

Alka Yagnik, one of the most celebrated and profile playback singers in the history of Indian cinema, has recently revealed a troubling health condition that has left her fans and the industry in shock. In a heartfelt Instagram post, the singer announced that she has been diagnosed with a rare sensorineural hearing loss, a condition that has caught her “completely unaware.”

The 58-year-old singer, known for her melodious voice that defined the soundtracks of countless Bollywood films in the 90s and 2000s, shared that the sudden hearing loss occurred a few weeks ago as she was walking out of a flight. “A few weeks ago, as I walked out of a flight, I suddenly left I was not able to hear anything,” Yagnik wrote, adding that she has now mustered the courage to break her silence and share the news with her fans and well-wishers.

According to the singer, the condition has been diagnosed as a “rare sensorineural nerve hearing loss, due to a viral attack.” Sensorineural hearing loss, the most common type of permanent hearing loss, occurs due to damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve.

In her emotional post, Yagnik expressed her shock at the sudden setback and requested her fans to keep her in their prayers as she attempts to come to terms with the diagnosis. “This sudden, major setback has caught me completely unaware. As I attempt to come to terms with it please keep me in your prayers,” she wrote.

The singer also used this opportunity to issue a word of caution to her fans, especially her younger colleagues, about the dangers of exposure to loud music and the use of headphones. One day, I wish to share the health perils of professional life,” Yagnik said.

Sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including illnesses, ototoxic drugs, genetic factors, aging, physical trauma, and exposure to loud noises or explosions. In Yagnik’s case, the condition has been attributed to a sudden viral attack, a common trigger for this type of hearing loss.

While SNHL is not life-threatening, it can significantly impact an individual’s ability to communicate and participate in daily activities, making it a challenging condition to live with. In most cases, medicine and surgery cannot reverse the damage, and the focus is on managing the condition and improving the quality of life.

Yagnik, who has been a dominant force in the Indian music industry for over four decades, has won numerous accolades, including two National Film Awards, two Bengal Film Journalists’ Association Awards, and a record seven Filmfare Awards for Best Female Playback Singer. She is also the best-streamed artist in the world, with over 15.3 billion YouTube views in 2022, with 80% of those views coming from India.

The news of Yagnik’s hearing loss has sent shockwaves through the industry, with fans and fellow artists expressing their support and well-wishes for the iconic singer. Many have praised her courage in breaking the silence and sharing her health struggles, hoping that her story will raise awareness about the importance of protecting one’s hearing, especially for those in the music industry.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is a type of hearing loss that occurs due to damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve. It is the most common form of permanent hearing loss and can have a significant impact on an individual’s ability to communicate and participate in daily activities.

Causes of Sensorineural Hearing Loss

The causes of SNHL can be varied, including: 

  • Illnesses: Viral infections, such as the one experienced by Alka Yagnik, can damage the inner ear and lead to hearing loss.
  • Ototoxic drugs: Certain medications, such as some antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs, can be toxic to the inner ear and cause hearing loss.
  • Genetic factors: Some forms of SNHL are inherited and can be passed down through families.
  • Aging: As we grow older, the inner ear can gradually deteriorate leading to age-related hearing loss.
  • Physical trauma: Injuries to the head or ear can also cause SNHL.
  • Exposure to loud noises: Prolonged exposure to loud sounds, such as those experienced by musicians and audio engineers, can damage the delicate structures of the inner ear.

Treatment and Management of Sensorineural Hearing Loss

While SNHL cannot be reversed in most cases, there are various treatment options and management strategies that can help improve the quality of life for those affected:

  • Hearing aids: These devices can amplify sound and help individuals with SNHL to better hear and communicate.
  • Cochlear implants: For severe cases of SNHL, cochlear implants may be an option, as they can directly stimulate the auditory nerve.
  • Assistive listening devices: These include devices like FM systems, which can help individuals hear better in noisy environments.
  • Rehabilitation and communication strategies: Speech therapy, lip-reading, and other communication techniques can help individuals adapt to their hearing loss.


Alka Yagnik‘s brave decision to share her health struggles with her fans and the public is a testament to her resilience and commitment to her craft. As one of the most celebrated and influential voices in Indian cinema, her story has the power to raise awareness about the importance of hearing health, especially for those in the music industry.

While the news of Yagnik’s rare sensorineural hearing loss condition is undoubtedly distressing, her fans and the industry remain hopeful that with the right treatment and support, she will be able to recalibrate her life and return to the stage, delighting audiences with her magical voice once again.

In the meantime, Yagnik’s cautionary message about the dangers of exposure to loud music and the use of headphones serves as a timely reminder for all of us to prioritize our hearing health and take the necessary steps to protect this precious sense. By heeding her advice and seeking early intervention for any signs of hearing loss, we can all play a role in ensuring that the music and voices that have enriched our lives continue to be heard for generations to come.

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