Shintoism is a religion originated demo japan. Classified as an East Asian. Religion by scholars of religion, its practitioners aften regard it as japan’s indigenous  religion and as a  nature religion and Nature religion Scholars call it’s Practitioners Shintoists, although adherents rarely  use that term themselves. 

About Shintoism religious 

A polytheistic  and animistic religion. Shinto revolves around supernatural entities called the kami. The kami are believed to inhabit all things, including forces of nature and prominent landscape location. Tha kami are worshipped at kamidana  household shirnes, family shrines, and jinja public shrines. 

Shintoism is an ancient Japanese religion entered around the veneration of kami, which are spirits or deities believed  to  inhabbit  natural elements, objects, and ancestors. It emphasises harmony with nature, rituals, and purity. Shinto rituals often involve shrines, purification rites, and ceremonies to honor the kami . It has deeply influenced Japanese culture, traditions, and way of life. 

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