Paris Olympic: 7 Months Pregnant Nada Hafez Win her Historic First-round

Nada Hafez, the Egyptian fencer, has captured global attention and admiration by competing in the 2024 Paris Olympics while seven months pregnant. Her remarkable journey not only highlights her dedication to her sport but also serves as an inspiring story of resilience and empowerment for women everywhere.

A Unique Olympic Experience

Nada Hafez, 26, made her mark in the women’s saber event, marking her third Olympic appearance. She began her journey with a victory against Elizabeth Tartakovsky from the United States, winning the match 15-13. However, her Olympic run concluded in the round of 16 when she faced Jeon Hayong from South Korea, losing 15-7. Despite the outcome, Hafez expressed immense pride in her achievements, particularly in the context of her pregnancy.

In a heartfelt Instagram post, Hafez shared her experience: “What appears to you as two players on the podium, they were three! It was me, my competition, and my yet-to-come to our world, baby!” She acknowledged the physical and emotional challenges she faced during her pregnancy, emphasizing the difficulty of balancing her athletic career with impending motherhood. “The rollercoaster of pregnancy is tough on its own, but fighting to keep the balance of life and sports was nothing short of strenuous, however worth it,” she stated.

Breaking Barriers in Sports

Hafez’s participation in the Olympics while pregnant is a significant milestone, not just for her but for women in sports. Historically, female athletes have faced numerous challenges, including societal expectations regarding motherhood and athletic performance. Hafez’s story challenges these norms, showcasing that women can pursue their passions and excel in their fields, even during pregnancy.

Her determination resonates with many, as she has become a symbol of strength and perseverance. Comments on her social media posts reflect this sentiment, with followers praising her for setting a powerful example for future generations. One user remarks, “Balancing between pregnancy and pursuing your passion is never easy, so you should be super proud of yourself regardless of the outcome”.

The Role of Support Systems

Hafez credited the unwavering support of her husband, Ibrahim Ihab, and her family for enabling her to compete at such a high level while pregnant. This highlights the importance of a robust support system for athletes, particularly women who often juggle multiple responsibilities. The emotional and physical backing from loved ones can make a significant difference in an athlete’s ability to perform under challenging circumstances.

Health Considerations for Pregnant Athletes

While Hafez’s story is inspiring, it also raises questions about the health implications of competing during pregnancy. Medical experts generally advise pregnant women to engage in moderate exercise, but they emphasize the necessity of consulting healthcare providers before participating in strenuous activities. Each pregnancy is unique, and the health of both the mother and the baby must be prioritized.

Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha, a consultant obstetrician noted that while staying active is beneficial, pregnant women should avoid high-risk sports and follow a fitness routine tailored to their health status. “Pregnant women must avoid strenuous activities and practice under the guidance of a trainer to prevent injuries, “she advised.

The Impact of Nada Hafez’s Story

Nada Hafez’s journey at the 2024 Olympics has sparked conversations about the role of women in sports and the challenges they face. Her ability to compete at such a high level while pregnant not only showcases her athletic prowess but also serves as a beacon of hope for other women who aspire to balance their careers and family life.

Her story has been widely covered in various media outlets, highlighting the growing recognition of female athletes and their achievements. Hafez’s experience resonates with many who face similar challenges, encouraging them to pursue their dreams regardless of societal expectations.


Nada Hafez’s participation in the 2024 Paris Olympics while seven months pregnant is a testament to her strength, resilience, and dedication to her sport. Her journey has not only inspired countless individuals but has also challenged traditional views on motherhood and athleticism. As she continues to pave the way for future generations of female athletes, Hafez’s story will undoubtedly remain a source of inspiration for many.

Through her actions, she has shown that with determination, support, and a passion for one’s goals, it is possible to break barriers and redefine what it means to be an athlete and mother. As she embarks on the next chapter of her life, Hafez leaves behind a legacy of empowerment and courage that will inspire women around the world to chase their dreams, no matter the obstacles they face.

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