Foreign Vlogger Couple Alleges Sexual Harassment at Thrissur Pooram in Kerala

The foreign vlogger couple, known for their viral travel videos, alleged that they faced sexual harassment during the Thrissur Pooram festival in Kerala. 

According to the reports, the couple posted a video on their Instagram page showing a man in his 50s attempting to forcefully kiss the woman after engaging a conversation with her. The couple described the crowd at the festival as being “a bit frisky ” and said they had an overall enjoyable experience, but highlighted this concerning incident.

The Kerala police have not yet received a formal complaint from the couple regarding the incident, but they confirmed that the individual in the video has been identified as a suspect.

Unfortunately, such incidents of sexual harassment against foreign tourists are not uncommon in India. Earlier this year, another vlogging couple reported a similar experience in Jharkhand, leading to the arrest of eight individuals.

The Thrissur Pooram in an iconic annual festival in Kerala, known for its vibrant celebrations. However, this alleged incident of sexual harassment has raised concerns about the safety and security of visitors, especially foreign tourists, attending such large-scale events in the state.

The Thrissur Pooram, a vibrant celebration of Hindu Culture and traditon. is one of the most anticipated festivals in Kerala. Attracting thousand of visitors from around the world, the event is renowned for its grand processions, magnificent elephants, and captivating fireworks displays. However, the recent allegations a made by the foreign vlogger have cast a shadow over the otherwise joyous occasion.

Alleged Incident and Reaction

According to the reports, the vlogging couple posted a video on their Instagram page, recounting their experience at the Thrissur Pooram.

The Kerala police have not yet received a formal complaint from the couple regarding the incident. However, they have confirmed that the individual in the video has been identified as a suspect, and the authorities are investigating the matter.

Concerns about Safety and Security

The alleged incident has raised concerns about the safety and security of visitors, especially foreign tourists, attending large-scale events in India. Unfortunately, such cases of sexual harassment against foreign travellers are not uncommon in the country.

Earlier this year, another vlogging couple reported a similar experience in Jharkhand, leading to the arrest of eight individuals. These incidents underscore the need for stronger measures to ensure the well-being and protecting of all attendees at such festivals and events.

Importance of the Thrissur Pooram

The Thrissur Pooram is a deeply rooted cultural celebration that holds immense significance for the people of Kerala. The festival, which dates back to the 18th century, is a testament to the state’s rich heritage and traditions. It attracts visitors from all over the world, who come to witness the grand processions, the magnificent elephants, and the captivating fireworks displays.

The festival is not just a cultural event; it also plays a crucial role in the local economy. Thousands of people, including artisans, performers, and vendors, rely on the Thrissur Pooram for their livelihoods. The events generates significant revenue for the state and contributes to the overall tourism industry.

Addressing the Issue

The alleged incident of sexual harassment at the Thrissur Pooram has highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach to address the issue of safety and security at such large-scale events. Authorities and organisers must work together to implement robust security measures, including increased police presence, surveillance, and clear guidelines for attendee behaviour.

Additionally, there should be a strong emphasis on creating awareness and educating the public about the importance of respecting the personal space and boundaries of all individuals, regardless of their nationality or background. This can be achieved through targeted campaigns, educational programs, and strict enforcement of laws against sexual harassment.

 Importance of Maintaining a Positive Image

The Thrissur Pooram is not just a local festival; it is a significant part of Kerala’s culture identity and a major draw for international tourists. The alleged incident of sexual harassment has the potential to tarnish the state’s reputation as a safe and welcoming destination for visitors.

It is crucial for the authorities and the organisers to take swift and decisive action to address this issue and restore the positive image of the Thrissur Pooram and Kerala as a whole. Failure to do so could have far-reaching consequences, not only for the festival but also for the state’s tourism industry and its overall economic well-being.


The alleged incident of sexual harassment at the Thrissur Pooram has raised serious concerns about the safety and security of visitors, especially foreign tourists, attending large-scale events in India. While the Thrissur Pooram is a cherished culture celebration, the authorities and organisers must prioritise the well-being and protection of all attendees.

By implementing robust security measures, creating awareness, and ensuring strict enforcement of laws against sexual harassment, the authorities can work to prevent such incidents fro occurring in the future. This will not only safeguard the reputation of the Thrissur Pooram and Kerala’s tourism industry but also sent a strong message that India is a safe and welcoming destination for all visitors.


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